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The Hottest Black Friday Activewear Sale for 2023

Working out is a go-to choice for women who want to accentuate their bodies and focus on becoming a better version of themselves. However, there was a time when women would hit the gym in oversized t-shirts, but the times are changing. That’s because women should hit the gym looking amazing, which is why they are opting for the best workout and yoga sets. However, if you didn’t purchase the sets because of the high price, Cosmolle has a Black Friday sale coming up, and we recommend going all out!

Move Free Sports Bra

We don’t think there is anything more important than the right bra for working out, but every woman knows how expensive these bras can be. For this reason, we recommend getting this one from Cosmolle because it’s a fine balance of sleekness and style. The ice blue color makes you stand out because the color is unique, and not many women opt for it. 

The bra has a wide hemline to maximize support for your breasts. In fact, the criss-cross design adds a bit of style as well. The neckline is scooped, which looks extremely sexy. 

Sports bra

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Move Free Bike Short with Pockets

Made from a combination of spandex and nylon, these shorts are extremely flexible, making it easier for you to work out. The shorts have a high waist design, so the waist looks extremely slim and contoured. There are side pockets on the shorts, so you can easily keep your phone and keys around. In fact, the peach hip design creates a flattering appearance. 

The shorts feel buttery and soft on the skin, so you don’t need to worry about skin irritation. Also, there aren’t any bulging seams – they are all flat-locked, leading to a cohesive look.

Sports bra

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Move Free Full-Length Yoga Jumpsuit

One of the best additions to the Black Friday activewear sale is this full-length jumpsuit. It has a tight-fitting style, which literally fits like a glove and hugs every curve. The flexible material also promises seamless movement while working out. The jumpsuit has been designed with a deep round neck, which adds style and elegance. 

The shoulder area has wide straps, which provide exceptional support to the breasts. This is an important factor because proper breast coverage and support are essential for productive workouts and training sessions.

Yoga Jumpsuit

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Move Free Yoga Shorts Jumpsuit

Jumpsuits are the comfiest attire out there for workout sessions. Having said that, this short jumpsuit is a promising choice because it has a form-fitting style. This stitching style promises unrestricted movement while working out. Also, there is a peach-shaped butt design, so you can enhance your natural curves – it leads to a flattering look. 

On top of everything, the white color looks amazing and you will look elegant. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that this jumpsuit will make you drop everything and tune in for a workout session. So, will you opt for this one or not?

Yoga Shorts Jumpsuit

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19 komentar

  1. kadang kala nyari jumpsuit yang pas buat yoga atau olahraga, susah gampang. Maunya nyari yang bahannya nyaman dan pastinya tetep enak dilihat

  2. Pakaian dalam yang nyaman digunakan bakalan membuat aktifitas jadi lebih mudah. Apalagi buat olahraga, kudu spesifik. Kalau nyaman pasti bikin good mood ya

  3. I want to have sport bra because it seems comfortable. I don't like using ordinary bra.

  4. Sekarang malah sudah ada yang versi big size nya juga kan ya. Mengayomi mereka yang memiliki berat badan berlebih

  5. Pakaian untuk olahraga pastinya harus lentur, menyerap keringat dan nyaman dikenakan saat beraktivitas. Berarti belinya kudu di website nih, biar dapat produk yang original dan berkualitas ya...

  6. ya emang perlu banget kak kalo mau olahraga ya harus memakai pakaian olahraga sesuai dengan kebutuhan kalo dulu sih bahan paporin ya spandek

  7. Baju untuk olahraga memang sebaiknya memilih yang membuat kita leluasa bergerak dengan nyaman. Bahannya juga nggak yang bikin panas.

  8. Tergantung kenyamanan kita ya kak. Ada yg senang full ampe kaki tp ada jg yg setengah sampe paha. Masing2 ada plus minusnya sih. Tp yg plg aman ya full sih. Tp kl ga nyaman buat gerak di kaki, yang setengah jumpsuit jg oke.

  9. Memilih pakaian buat WO ato yoga sebenernya ngga boleh asal pilih. Bener kalo kombinasi spandex sama nilon tuh paling pas dan bikin mudah bergerak. Keren juga nih yang ada pocketnya, bis abuat nyimpen hp yaa.

    1. Ah iya kak bener..
      Cari yang nyaman buat beraktivitas, apalagi ada variasi warna nih asik

  10. Nowadays, people (women especially) already have some choices of fashion based on their activity, including for Yoga. Of course this is really a good news for all

  11. Dari semuanya tertarik sama full-length jumpsuit nih, bisa buat Yoga di rumah biar ngga terlalu panas

    1. Iya setuju...Akupun tertarik dengan versi full-length jumpsuit. Badan jadi terasa kenceng, buat olahraga nyaman dan engga terganggu gerakannya.
      Ada ukuran big sizenya berapa L yah... Kepoin ah...

  12. Tjakep ih! Yoga set satu ini atau bisa juga buat olahraga yah, bikin bada serasa kenceng pokoknyah.

  13. Naksir ama Move Free Bike Short with Pockets. Nampak bahannya adem banget nih. Nyaman dan gak bikin gerah.

  14. I love the Move Free Sports Bra, it looks comfy and made from soft fabric, so I won't need to worry about skin irritation.

  15. For those who love working out, this jumpsuit could be a great choice! Stylish, comfortable, and enhances your natural curves. The white color also adds an elegant touch. Get ready to hit the gym in style with this one! 💪💃

  16. Well, there are so many choices of comfortable clothes for women when exercising. By choosing the right clothes, in addition to helping shape the body, the movements that are carried out can be totality.

  17. Baju olahraga memang paling tepat itu sesuai bentuk tubuh, agar lebih leluasa menggerakan semua badan. Tapi untuk versi hijab kayaknya ada kak, soalnya pernah lihat.
